There are instances when you access URLs in HTTPS but still encounter an HTTP error after. This can be caused by images on the page running in an insecure connection, a common issue in WordPress pages. You can learn more about HTTP image errors, specifically in WordPress, by watching the following video from Elegant Themes:
As a site owner and a developer, you should use only Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure for your page’s address and contents to ensure compatibility and avoid further site issues. Let us elaborate.
What Does “HTTPS Links to HTTP Image Error” Mean?
The error means that there are images loaded over insecure HTTP connections when you request an initial Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure connection. This is called mixed content and happens when URLs using the secure (HTTPS) protocol link to an image over an insecure HTTP connection. The website loads over a secure connection after successfully acquiring an SSL certificate, but the image on the page still loads over HTTP, thus resulting in an error.
What Triggers This Issue?
This issue is an instance of mixed content that occurs when HTML pages load over a secure HTTPS connection but link to resources (images, CSS, or JS) over an insecure HTTP connection. This is generally triggered by inputting an image within the page that runs over an HTTP connection. When you upload and post images but do not update the image links on the page after getting an SSL certification, the browsers will recognize them as insecure elements.
How to Check the Issue?
A warning will appear in your browser if it detects mixed content in an address – this is the first step. You can follow the list below for the next steps:
- Right-click your mouse and choose “Inspect Element.”
- Go to the “Console” tab.
- Look for the warnings. They can come in yellow or red color (the latter is for severe matters).
Another way is to check your site’s URLs manually. Look for the ones that still use http:// instead of https:// even after you have an SSL certificate. You can also use third-party tools for quicker detection.
Sitechecker is an easier way to detect the issue. Just run an audit and find out about all pages with HTTPS links to HTTP images.

If you delve further, you’ll uncover a detailed list of all images on a particular page.

Is your secure page compromised by an insecure image link?
Check if your HTTPS page links to an HTTP image right now with Sitechecker!
Why Is This Important?
Your site becomes vulnerable to attacks since mixed content degrades the security and user experience of your Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure site. You don’t want to subject users to any danger when they access your site. Some browsers block insecure resource requests by default. If your page depends on these insecure resources, then your page might not work properly when they get blocked.
How to Fix the Issue?
There are two options to resolve the issue:
- For your own domain, serve all content as HTTPS and fix your links. Often, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure version of the content already exists, and this just requires adding an “s” to links – http:// to https://.
- For images hosted on other domains, use the site’s HTTPS version if available. If Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is not available, you can try contacting the domain and asking them if they can make the content available via HTTPS.