Open Graph URL not matching canonical issue means that a specific URL has its Open Graph microdata pointing to an URL that is different from the one set in canonical.
The Importance of the Issue
The social media will use the URL set in og:url. It is important in order not to mislead a user when generating a Facebook card .
How to Check the Issue
You can use any browser to check the issue. Open the source code of the flawed page To do this, click the right mouse button at any spot of the page and choose “browse the code” option, or apply an online tool Codebeautify.
The source code must contain <meta property=og:url content=””/>, а content must have an URL that is set as canonical for the current page at <link rel=”canonical” href=””>. It is considered to be the best practice of directing a user to the main page version and combine data such as likes to publish them with the same URL.

To automate this process, use Sitechecker. This tool is designed to identify and resolve a specific issue: the mismatch between Open Graph URLs and the canonical URLs of your pages. When you come across this issue in our tool, it indicates that there are pages on your website where the URL defined in the Open Graph tags doesn’t match the canonical URL set for the page. This could potentially confuse social platforms and search engines about which version of the URL should be considered the primary one, possibly affecting your content’s performance on social media and search engine results.

When you click on the “View issue” link, the tool will provide you with a detailed list of all affected pages, where you can see each page’s URL. Additionally, you’ll find valuable data such as the ‘Page Weight’ which hints at the page’s size and loading time, the ‘Status Code’ that the server returns for the URL, and the date the ‘Issue Found’ which indicates when the mismatch was detected. This detailed insight allows you to pinpoint and correct discrepancies, ensuring your content is accurately represented across the web.

Optimize Your Social Sharing with Our Open Graph Checker!
Prevent confusion on social platforms by aligning your Open Graph URLs with your canonicals.
How to fix this issue
Change URL in Open Graph tags to the one that canonical tag contains.