This issue warnings mean that a URL contains one or more outgoing anchor links with no anchor text.
What Does “Internal Link With No Anchor Text” Mean?
Anchor text is hyperlink text that the user can see and can click on. In most modern browsers, anchor text is highlighted in blue and underlined.
Read more about anchor and hyperlinks on the Moz blog.
The page is missing a potential opportunity to provide external link information to search engines and users. If an external link has missing anchor text, there is an issue. It can hurt the page’s search engine ranking and display on relevant user queries.
What Triggers This Issue?
If a link anchor has no text for some reason, this is considered an error. A notification of this error will occur if internal pages with references without text are found on your site.
Detect pages that have internal links with no anchor text and catch out other kind of technical issues on your site!
Crawl your site and find out all kind of issues that may negatively impact your users' experience or your website's SEO
How to Check the Issue?
The link anchor must contain an anchor value. It is one of the important factors for search engine ranking. Site owners should keep an eye out for potential problems with anchors text in internal links. It is an area of search engine optimization that is very important for promoting and improving one’s position in the search engine rankings.
To check your website for this issue, you should perform an SEO analysis of your site using special tools for web admins. In the error report, you will find collected pages that contain outgoing references without anchor subjects.
Sitechecker can help you in auditing your website, enabling you to identify all pages containing links with missing anchor text.

Additionally, it will display various other issues and warnings on the page, along with suggestions on how to resolve them to enhance the page’s SEO.

Why is This Important?
Internal links on your site are the main way to show navigation for users and search engine robots. Thanks to competent internal linking, you can evenly distribute internal link weight on pages important for promotion. With internal links, you can show search engines which pages on your site are a priority.
Search engine robots use this descriptive text to anchor context about the link destination. If the link is published without descriptive text, then you may be losing potential search traffic. Non-anchor text, you may be losing potential search traffic.
How to Fix the Issue?
After the scan is finished, take a look at the pages that are missing text. After that, manually edit all the links and add relevant data to them so that it does not have time to negatively affect your website’s ranking.
If you use the link in the HTML template, you can fix several pages with missing anchor data at once.